It is a challenge when one must maintain two lives, both
necessary for each other’s survival. There is my day job – the demanding
grind to and from downtown Toronto to work hard all day dealing with people,
attending meetings, and to get a paycheck. This paycheck keeps my
family alive and well fed, a roof over our heads, cats are comfy, and enjoy the
simplicities of life. I have health benefits that go a long way since my
husband does not have any. Bottom line – I have to work. And finding a well
paying job is difficult, so I hold on to mine. I don’t work in the publishing
industry. I did dabble in marketing but it got me nowhere. The book publishing
industry in Toronto is small and there are many like myself hoping to get one
foot in the door. There are lots of internships, but they include a 3-4 month
commitment, full time hours, and a lousy honorarium - great for a student.
The other life – writing. I can’t do it without the security
of my day job or I would be spending all my time looking for a job if I did not
have one so no time for writing. And I would be miserable at my day job if I did not endlessly pursuit
my dream. So I continue to work hard and dream big.