It's that time of year we give thanks to our loved ones and sing and be merry.
Gifts, parties and grand feasts all week long.
We are reminded of the importance of kindness and charity.
And finally, winter is upon us and for so many without power this Christmas you are in my prayers.
Artifacts made to inspire
Many years ago I was visiting the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. In the geology exhibit, a special gem and jewellery exhibit was on display and it was there I was inspired to create one of my characters for my upcoming book Hearthstone. A crown (seen below) with a large tanzanite gemstone set in a white gold crown accented with small round diamonds and emeralds made to look like a snake wraps around the wearers head.
The shape and design of the crown evokes something mythical... even evil. In Hearthstone, this crown is more than just a crown... it posses the wearer giving them power.
The shape and design of the crown evokes something mythical... even evil. In Hearthstone, this crown is more than just a crown... it posses the wearer giving them power.
I do wonder where the crown is now, would like to see it again in person once more.
breakfast for champs... or writers
I've always been envious of those food blogs with their glamorous photos of food... here is my attempt at capturing a healthy breakfast I made for myself the other day - poached eggs, toasted rye bread, greek yogurt with blackberries and a yummy cup of coffee. Maybe not so glamorous but a good effort.
it's been a year already....
It dawned on me the other day that Bound's one-year anniversary was in September. I cannot believe I forgot - too pre-occupied with other nonsense. Nevertheless, it's still not too late to raise a drink to an author's first book. I would like to thank everyone who has been part of this wonderful journey. The reviews, the cover designer, the blog posts, and most importantly everyone who purchased the novel - thank you for your wonderful support. I look forward to the next instalment - I promise to work diligently to complete Hearthstone.
For all other authors celebrating their first published novel, I salute you. And if you are struggling to get your first book out, don't give up, the reward for completing your first work is beyond sublime.
For all other authors celebrating their first published novel, I salute you. And if you are struggling to get your first book out, don't give up, the reward for completing your first work is beyond sublime.
Days of the Dead
It is a dark and somber time as people light candles on the tombs of loved ones. Prayers to save the souls of many lost between heaven and hell echo on the wind . Darkness is here once more, relentless and unmerciful. The gusts of wind blow away leaves clearing the canvass for winter's touch.
Image: Holger Motzkau 2010
Image: Holger Motzkau 2010
Autumn is finally here
Thanksgiving was a week ago (for us here in Canada) and now the air is getting a little cooler and the days significantly shorter. I love the changing seasons, it wouldn't feel right if there was no natural end to the summer.
Quick Update:
I haven't been doing much work for my novel or blog as I am having some health issues - acute tendonitis in my right arm (my dominate arm). It is an unpleasant feeling but I will be starting physiotherapy and accupunture this week and that should start healing my arm. In the meantime, I am taking it easy but I can still use the old pen and paper to jot down ideas and notes.
Quick Update:
I haven't been doing much work for my novel or blog as I am having some health issues - acute tendonitis in my right arm (my dominate arm). It is an unpleasant feeling but I will be starting physiotherapy and accupunture this week and that should start healing my arm. In the meantime, I am taking it easy but I can still use the old pen and paper to jot down ideas and notes.
Writing the first chapter hook
Now on my third revision of Hearthstone, I seem to be channeling some of the important lessons I’ve learned over the summer. I spent the last three months taking a break from writing my second book to enjoy the short summer weather (a good thing too since now it’s already coat and gloves season here in Toronto) and to just clear my head. A part of this “clearing of my head” I read a few books, some long novels and some short stories. Most were very good, and a very few were difficult to finish. One of my takeaways from this experience was that a good novel always has a good first chapter – it is the hook. Obvious and self-explanatory but yet we writers always forget because we are so wrapped up in our own minds that we do not see the story the same way as our readers.
The first chapter must have the following elements:
1) Introduction of both the hero and heroine
2) The start must be at some pivotal point of thought or action
3) The end of the chapter should be open ended or the tipping point of an action that will cause the reader to continue to the next chapter to learn what will happen
General guidelines include:
- Keep it simple, keep it real
- Don’t introduce too many characters right away
- Don’t get bogged down on frivolous details unless it is your style of writing and it will be consistent throughout
Happy writing!
The first chapter must have the following elements:
1) Introduction of both the hero and heroine
2) The start must be at some pivotal point of thought or action
3) The end of the chapter should be open ended or the tipping point of an action that will cause the reader to continue to the next chapter to learn what will happen
General guidelines include:
- Keep it simple, keep it real
- Don’t introduce too many characters right away
- Don’t get bogged down on frivolous details unless it is your style of writing and it will be consistent throughout
Happy writing!
Hearthstone Revisited
After taking some time off this summer, I was able to return to working on Hearthstone (Bloodlust #2) with a renewed sense of confidence. I started reading what I had written and to my surprise I was deeply disappointed with the work thus far. The characters are there, the scenes set, the plot laid out... but something was missing. So after re-evaluating the story I came to a decision to re-work the entire thing from the beginning. Re-jigging chapters and events, introduce characters at different points, and re-visit the DNA of the two main characters. I want the tale to be epic but not long or drawn out, the characters passionate, and transport the reader into a world that is much like our own but very very different. I hope to impress and please and never disappoint.
death by allergies
This August is by far the worst in all my life. It’s like having a head cold that won’t go away. There is some medication that helps but nothing can make it disappear completely. It’s even clouded my mind – I can’t think straight. I am in need of some miracle.
dog days of summer
Enjoying what is left of summer, I spent the first weekend of August up north at Georgian Bay. A typical summer retreat for us city folks that I actual dread doing because I don't have a place to call my own up north so I am stuck spending the weekend at someone else's boat or cottage. It is not worth renting as prices are astronomical during this time of year, so I endure as much as I can. On the flip side, I got a chance to bring my telescope and enjoy a starry night sky with no moon. It was a vision of beauty and magnificence. My goal was to see Scorpius, a summer constellation soon to leave us. The heart of the Scorpion is the star Antares - a fiery ball of gas with hues of orange and red, hence it is the heart of the Scorpion. In my next book, Hearthstone, the main heroine is Antara, named after Antares. You can only guess what kind of personality and power this woman will have if named after the heart of the Scorpion.
Juggling two lives
It is a challenge when one must maintain two lives, both
necessary for each other’s survival. There is my day job – the demanding
grind to and from downtown Toronto to work hard all day dealing with people,
attending meetings, and to get a paycheck. This paycheck keeps my
family alive and well fed, a roof over our heads, cats are comfy, and enjoy the
simplicities of life. I have health benefits that go a long way since my
husband does not have any. Bottom line – I have to work. And finding a well
paying job is difficult, so I hold on to mine. I don’t work in the publishing
industry. I did dabble in marketing but it got me nowhere. The book publishing
industry in Toronto is small and there are many like myself hoping to get one
foot in the door. There are lots of internships, but they include a 3-4 month
commitment, full time hours, and a lousy honorarium - great for a student.
The other life – writing. I can’t do it without the security
of my day job or I would be spending all my time looking for a job if I did not
have one so no time for writing. And I would be miserable at my day job if I did not endlessly pursuit
my dream. So I continue to work hard and dream big.
a wonderful day... and it is a full moon
I was so happy to hear this morning that Baby Cambridge is on its way. I wish Kate & Will a healthy and joyous birth of their first child. Since bets are on for gender and name - I say it will be a girl and her name Victoria. No matter the gender/name, I will be having a shot of Glenfarclas when the announcement is made at Buckingham Palace.
As for the baby's astrological sign, it could be a Caner or a Leo depending when it is born (today or tomorrow). It is also a full moon tonight. The universe is lined up for this child's birth.
As for the baby's astrological sign, it could be a Caner or a Leo depending when it is born (today or tomorrow). It is also a full moon tonight. The universe is lined up for this child's birth.
My plan to avoid writing to give myself some r&r time was futile. It is in my blood to write so I dabbled. A way to release bottled up emotions, I guess. Many don’t care for my writing and many would not call me an artist (ya, I’m talking to you one star) but I am constantly creating new ideas, characters, plot, and new worlds if not on paper then in my own mental notes in hopes that one day I can release it to the world. I started a new compilation, far from my Bloodlust Series, and not a genre I would expect myself ever to delve into. It is a short story and somewhat autobiographical. I might even publish it under a pseudonym – haven’t made up my mind yet. It is dark, sad, and not sure how it will end.
Summer Blackouts
I was one of the many people affected by the torrential storm that hit Toronto and area on Monday. Mind you, I slept through the whole thing since I was home with a bad cold. I woke up in gloomy grey darkness and a heat that was difficult to breath. I wandered my house trying to surmise what the hell was going on. My husband was not home and the street seemed eerily vacant. The hot air was due to my ac not working because the power was out – and my cats disappeared somewhere in the walls of the basement. In the midst of flooding roads, overflowing street drains, and the grumbling heavens, I found solitude in the darkness.
Opening the windows to allow a cool misty draft offered some relief from the heat. Candles glowed on table tops and shelves. And a Moroccan style lantern cascaded geometrical patterns onto the bathroom walls and floor. Without the TV or Internet, I had no idea what was going on with the outside world but the feeling of the unknown was new to me and fear slowly bubbled up but quickly turned into a sense of freedom. I was happy to not have electricity for a short time – never long term. I wondered why I did not do this more often, turn off the lights, shut off the TV, simply unplug. My thoughts trailed off to how people once lived without modern luxuries, what did they do with their free time, if they had any? I felt transported and not myself – I welcomed the feeling. Or it was all the cold medication I ingested a couple hours earlier.
My husband soon returned home safely and unaffected by the weather and complained about the TV not working. We lounged on the bed with not much to do since I was sick so luckily for him, and my insanity, the laptop was fully charged and we watched the first two episodes of Game of Thrones Season One. Now I have a new obsession.
Opening the windows to allow a cool misty draft offered some relief from the heat. Candles glowed on table tops and shelves. And a Moroccan style lantern cascaded geometrical patterns onto the bathroom walls and floor. Without the TV or Internet, I had no idea what was going on with the outside world but the feeling of the unknown was new to me and fear slowly bubbled up but quickly turned into a sense of freedom. I was happy to not have electricity for a short time – never long term. I wondered why I did not do this more often, turn off the lights, shut off the TV, simply unplug. My thoughts trailed off to how people once lived without modern luxuries, what did they do with their free time, if they had any? I felt transported and not myself – I welcomed the feeling. Or it was all the cold medication I ingested a couple hours earlier.
My husband soon returned home safely and unaffected by the weather and complained about the TV not working. We lounged on the bed with not much to do since I was sick so luckily for him, and my insanity, the laptop was fully charged and we watched the first two episodes of Game of Thrones Season One. Now I have a new obsession.
Back in May I spent 5 days in Scotland with my husband. Here are some of our pictures from our favourite spots.
Edinburgh Castle
Sunset in Edinburgh
Wallace Monument, Stirling
Lavender Harvest
Early this morning I collected some of the first lavender blossoms from my garden. So excited, can't wait for them to dry so I can hang them in my bathroom.
The changing face of the antagonist
They are the bread and butter of our novels – without the antagonist, be it a person, being, natural event, it is not a story unless we as writers give it breath of life. But things are changing.
I was reading a story online about how characters in film are grossly misunderstood – the recognition that antagonists have mental issues. What was seen as a way to create the edgy and unpredictable villain, we are now looking at ways to help them. Be it bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, anything goes but to victimize them and portray them as anything but evil is now drawing frowns and the typical finger wagging to say that it is unacceptable and politically incorrect. Did someone just call HR?
So next time when you have to decide if your hero or heroine will wield a sword in defense against evil or not, consider having them pass the villain a tissue box and say, “Let’s talk... what’s really going on inside. I’m here to help.” Don’t forget to add the anguished expression with crumpled brows that expresses heightened levels of empathy and forgiveness.
Don’t get me wrong – mental issues are a serious and neglected health concern. I battle depression on a daily basis along with anxiety. Trust me, my social skills are pathetic and underdeveloped (thanks mom and dad) so my poor husband has to deal with my constant need to hide under the covers and avoid the world. Many suffer far worse in silence. My point is that you cannot stray from human complexity that includes the many layers of mental issues when it comes to creating characters with whom we are to relate to on some level or another – and sometimes they will hold similar traits as those we know so well, ourselves.
It saddens me to announce my hiatus from writing Hearthstone (Bloodlust #2). I’ve reached a point where I feel I need to take a break – the story has long lingered in my mind that the speed of the way I write cannot keep up and thus it has lost its essence. I need to enjoy the summer and pursue other projects in the meantime. I presume I would pick up again in the fall – the season of change. I still owe you an excerpt but the one I want to share is not written yet – that day will come soon, I promise.
My trip to London
Just a few weeks ago I spent five days in London, England. My husband and I saw the Tower of London (my fav), Sherlock Holmes Museum (next week's posting), Harrod's, and so much more.
Here are some pictures:
Here are some pictures:
Tower Bridge
Saw the amazing Crown Jewels of England. We were not allowed to take any photos of the jewels themselves. It was very crowded but worth the wait in line.
Tower of London - a must see in London. Saw where Anne Boleyn was executed and many more.
At a nearby pub - fish & chips and beer.
Next week I will share my photos of Stonehenge.
Summer Picnic
The last few summers I have been bogged down with work and house reno's that this year I promised to enjoy the few months of summer we have here in Canada - of course Environment Canada announces that this summer will be below average. Nevertheless, over the weekend my husband and I had a little picnic in our backyard on one of the most beautiful days to help kick off the summer. The goal is to enjoy the amazing weather on a budget - we made lunch and sat under the pear tree, didn't need to spend a dime and we could enjoy a glass of wine too (drinking in public is illegal here).
Been a while...
...since I've written anything for this blog - so sorry for those who are following. It has been a crazy month and I have much to discuss. A few topics to look forward to over the next few weeks:
- Trip to London, England (castles, churches, food, culture)
- Trip to Scotland - why would I not go there if in London
- My Toronto (a short rant of sorts)
- Bloodlust Series Book #2 Update + Excerpt
- Summer Is Here!!! How I plan to enjoy the weather but possibly fail (like my 5k goal)
- Day Job antics - how little I care about it yet it dictates my mood on a daily basis
H.O.T Male Book Covers - #21
BOUND has been voted as one of the hottest male book covers ranking in at #21 on Goodreads.
Thank you for those who voted. If you haven't voted yet, please click on the link and vote for BOUND.
Thank you for those who voted. If you haven't voted yet, please click on the link and vote for BOUND.
LBF Wrap-up
Now that the London Book Fair is over, you can still find BOUND on the online catalog for the New Title Showcase. There you find find the first 5 chanpters and my contact info.
London Book Fair
It is with great pleasure to announce that Bound (Bloodlust Series book #1) will be featured at the London Book Fair this week. You can find it on the e-book wall of the New Title Showcase.
I've always been a huge fan of Dan Brown - that guy is awesome! One of my favorite authors, and I have many. I read The Da Vinci Code back in university and Angels & Demons when my father passed away to help distract my thoughts. The movies were ok, but nothing can compare to the books themselves. As a huge history and art buff, I found it so easy to dive into his books. Now I wait patiently for Inferno - ahhhhhh!!! I can't wait. I plan to devour the book. Similarly, my new book Hearthstone - that I am so diligently working on - is also partly based on Dante's Inferno.
I've always had a fascination with Dante's account of Hell that in university I took a course strictly devoted to Dante's works (particularly The Divine Comedy) and how it influenced Renaissance art. In Hearthstone, the main characters, Victor and Antara, must visit the underworld to retrieve something lost - the layout of the underworld will be based on Inferno.
I've always had a fascination with Dante's account of Hell that in university I took a course strictly devoted to Dante's works (particularly The Divine Comedy) and how it influenced Renaissance art. In Hearthstone, the main characters, Victor and Antara, must visit the underworld to retrieve something lost - the layout of the underworld will be based on Inferno.
I wish I had great news to share but not really... I am home sick fighting some kind of virus. The doctor told me there is no medication to help me, only rest... so rest it is and no work for me.
Things are not well at work - I am doing a three-person job, way beyond my job description and so much more. I am underpaid and miserable. Think it is time to find something different and closer to home.
Writing - wish I made progress but because of work, illness, and a long list of other excuses I haven't made any progress this month. Nevertheless, I have outlined a few other great story-lines for future Bloodlust instalments.
Upcoming events - London Book Fair (April) - more on this soon
Things are not well at work - I am doing a three-person job, way beyond my job description and so much more. I am underpaid and miserable. Think it is time to find something different and closer to home.
Writing - wish I made progress but because of work, illness, and a long list of other excuses I haven't made any progress this month. Nevertheless, I have outlined a few other great story-lines for future Bloodlust instalments.
Upcoming events - London Book Fair (April) - more on this soon
3 more weeks...

Happy Valentine's Day
There isn't any other way to celebrate this day of love than to write a romantic love scene. It just so happens that as I approach this pivotal point in the second installment in the Bloodlust Series it is also the day where couples remind each other of their love and commitment - I wonder how many people are going to get laid tonight!
I am tempted to include a snippet from the new novel, just a line or two but I'm hesitating.
Ok - I give in... Happy Valentine's Day!
Note: This is first draft, not edited.
I am tempted to include a snippet from the new novel, just a line or two but I'm hesitating.
Ok - I give in... Happy Valentine's Day!
Note: This is first draft, not edited.
There has been a lot going on and as a result I am lagging behind in my posts... no excuse but it happens.
Like so many writers I have a day job and up to last week I've been able to keep it balanced. This past week I've learned a few interesting developments that has sent me careening to the edge of destroying that balance. My manager has quit... well actually she took another job in the company. I am happy for her as she is a well-respected woman, but now everything is being dumped on me. Many people can sympathize, I am not the first nor last to have to do two jobs. On the other hand, there is a posting for a lucrative job in my same department but pays way better and the job is way more interesting. Two people have so far told me I should apply for the job without me mentioning anything - very interesting. I have until the end of the month to decide and submit my application. This is a huge decision because not only do I have to compete for the job, I might not get it but if I do I will be abandoning my team and moving fifteen feet away to do a job that is wicked cool.
The other distracting event happening right now is my health - not going to go into detail but I'm working hard to get my shit together. I thrive on stress but I'm starting to feel weak and I need to start eating healthier and get back to running.
The writing is coming along, almost halfway there. I thought of another book idea on Thursday, crazy and wild. I wish had had time to write all day long, the excitement of a new idea can eat a person up if they cannot let it flourish.
There are not enough hours in the day.
Like so many writers I have a day job and up to last week I've been able to keep it balanced. This past week I've learned a few interesting developments that has sent me careening to the edge of destroying that balance. My manager has quit... well actually she took another job in the company. I am happy for her as she is a well-respected woman, but now everything is being dumped on me. Many people can sympathize, I am not the first nor last to have to do two jobs. On the other hand, there is a posting for a lucrative job in my same department but pays way better and the job is way more interesting. Two people have so far told me I should apply for the job without me mentioning anything - very interesting. I have until the end of the month to decide and submit my application. This is a huge decision because not only do I have to compete for the job, I might not get it but if I do I will be abandoning my team and moving fifteen feet away to do a job that is wicked cool.
The other distracting event happening right now is my health - not going to go into detail but I'm working hard to get my shit together. I thrive on stress but I'm starting to feel weak and I need to start eating healthier and get back to running.
The writing is coming along, almost halfway there. I thought of another book idea on Thursday, crazy and wild. I wish had had time to write all day long, the excitement of a new idea can eat a person up if they cannot let it flourish.
There are not enough hours in the day.
The bitter cold
It has been a frigid couple of days – I am one of the many who are affected by this bone-chilling winter. But it is not just winter rearing its ugly head – my in-laws’ subtle yet so evident hits towards me. Yes, I know! You don’t like me! Lol. I can’t help but laugh at how clever they think they are, believing they can pull wool over my eyes with their friendly smiles and chipper than usual chit-chat... but I see those fangs and daggers, I know you want to devour my flesh, see me vanish from family photos. Well, I am not going anywhere and my revenge will not only satisfy my emotional urge to tell you all off but it will be a rude awakening to see yourselves as you truly are.
Sunday evening
Well, it is Sunday evening and I just finished reviewing my most recent
draft of the latest chapter I wrote for Hearthstone and prepped my notes for
the next chapter. I am almost halfway done but really I can’t know for certain
where I am in my story.
When it comes to writing, no one really knows how many
chapters or words it will take to create one part of a novel. I can anticipate
10 chapters for part one but it might end up being 8 or 13 instead.
Nevertheless, I am on my way and I am trying my best to take advantage of the
winter to write as much I can - no one wants to write when its summer, well at
least I don't. If I wait too long, soon it will be long, hot sunny days and I
won't meet my personal deadline. Focus and will power are my tools and I will get
this done.
the curious case of ... looking too young
I feel cursed - and I am sure there are many who can sympathize.
Bottom line, I look young. About 5-6 years younger than I really am. Many say 'hey, it’s better to look young than old, especially later in life'
Sure, but you are not the one who has to deal with people who think they can treat you with such disrespect because they think you are just a kid.
The one thing I can't stand is when people, especially at work, think they can outright ask me how old I am. I'm not ashamed so I answer, and it’s the same line every time, 'but you look so young'
You want to see some ID?
UGH!!! I hate it; just leave me alone about my age. I wonder when in my life I will finally say that I look my age, the meeting point... or will I look 50 when I'm 70...
Bottom line, I look young. About 5-6 years younger than I really am. Many say 'hey, it’s better to look young than old, especially later in life'
Sure, but you are not the one who has to deal with people who think they can treat you with such disrespect because they think you are just a kid.
The one thing I can't stand is when people, especially at work, think they can outright ask me how old I am. I'm not ashamed so I answer, and it’s the same line every time, 'but you look so young'
You want to see some ID?
UGH!!! I hate it; just leave me alone about my age. I wonder when in my life I will finally say that I look my age, the meeting point... or will I look 50 when I'm 70...
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